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Production Process Chart

Raw Material

Our Raw Material is mainly come from Battery Scrap and all of the lead by-product from various type of business, therefore we are purely “ Recycling Company ”, with environmental and ecological concern.

Stage I : Batter Opening & Separation Process

To achieve the best result in safety protection to worker and to ensure that the process does not endanger the environment TKM used modern and automatic sawing and separation machine to cut, open and separate lead plates from plastic casing.


Plastic Recovery from battery casing is an integral part of this operation.


After separation, the cases will automatically transfer to cleaning machine to ensure that the case is not contaminate with lead dust.

Stage II : Smelting & Recovery Process

By using the rotary furnace we get higher and more efficient metal recovery with less effect to environment.


Together with automatic and efficient facilities, flue gases from metal recovery process undergo a cleansing regimen which equipped with a perfect air pollution control system before discharging through a stack.

Stage III : Refining & Alloying Process

Our smelting pots are at all times ready and suitable for refining and alloying to various required specifications and quantity before casting into ingots.


The sample of lead alloy at each stage (three levels of the pot) will be sent for testing by Spark  Emission Spectrometer JY 16 to roughly check specifications and homogeneity.


Subsequently, the findings are confirmed through alternative analytical tool and method that is Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry ICP-OES, JY 2000

After approval is received from the laboratory, the alloy is automatically cast into ingot, stacked in bundle and packaged according to customers required specification.

Quality Control & Analysis

TKM is equipped with the latest and most innovative testing equipment to ensure the smooth production of lead and its alloys. < fast and accurate analytical results >


Production process was carried out by our skilled and experience workers under the supervision of expert technicians

Quality control inspection is done by using computerized Spark Emission and (ICP) Optical Emission Spectrometer. 


With computerized control the result of Spark Emission Spectrometer, it enable us to monitor refining & alloying process.


In October 2002, TKM has been certified by ISO9001:2000 & In December 2008, has been re-certified by ISO9001:2008 for the purpose to achieve the highest quality product and to meet international as well as the requirement from customers.

Future Plan

During over past two decades, TKM has endeavored for a steady improvement in its operations through forward planning, excellent team work, research and development, and technology versatility


The company is looking forward to opportunities in non-ferrous metal and new business areas


For the future, TKM will continue striving towards product superiority and customer satisfaction to substantially meet the domestic demand of lead metals.




-  Calcium Lead Alloy

-  New Rotary Furnace

-  Desulphurization Process (Reduce Slag)

-  ISO 14000

-  Pure Lead

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